Before the Year Ends

After a nice long stretch of updates, this blog went silent again. I think I’ve identified what causes these occasional dark periods here — it’s not that I have nothing to say, but that I’m pressuring myself to review a long list of books I’ve read. I don’t always have time to write reviews, so I hold off on blogging at all until I’ve had a chance to catch up.

Having recognized this problem before, I’ve tried a few tricks like writing very short reviews, or throwing several mini-reviews into a single blog post.

I’ve decided to let myself off the hook on book reviewing. I still want to recommend books that seem worthwhile, but I don’t necessarily need to review every book I read. When something strikes me as especially worthwhile or notable, I’ll mention it. I may even be inspired to write something that could be called a “review.” I just need to relinquish this self-imposed expectation that if I read a book, I’ll take notes, formulate an opinion, and express it in a formal or semi-formal review.

Having said that, I’m currently assembling a list of the best and most notable 2013 books. This has been a great year for dark, weird and horror fiction. Some of this top 10 I’ve already reviewed, and I’ll link to those reviews. Those I haven’t already reviewed in depth, I may write about in greater detail after posting my list of 10. Others I may not. I’ll post that list within the next couple days.

2 thoughts on “Before the Year Ends

  1. S.P. Miskowski

    This is exactly how I’ve been feeling lately, as well. I have to let the book reviewing go for a while, and allow myself to dream. I don’t want to analyze anything at the moment. Thanks for expressing this.

  2. No, S.P.! It’s OK for me to ease up on reviewing, but not you!

    Seriously, though, part of me would like to believe it’s possible to do everything I feel interested in doing, but the truth is that we all have a finite amount of time and mental energy. Sometimes cutting things away leaves more focus for the centrally important stuff.

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