The Demons of King Solomon Now Available

I knew this book was coming out at some point, but didn’t know it was coming out TODAY!

The Demons of King Solomon is edited by Aaron J. French, published by Journalstone, and includes contributions from the following:

Asmodeus (Stephen Graham Jones)
Marchosias (Michelle Belanger)
Ephippas (Whitley Strieber)
Ronove (Ronald Malfi)
Amdusias (Philip Fracassi)
Hanar (Jonathan Maberry)
Ornias (Richard Chizmar)
Buer (Scott Siglerr)
Agaras (Rs Belcher)
Abyzou (J.D. Horn)
Caim (Seanan McGuire)
Belial (Michael Griffin)
Original artwork by John Coulthart
Descriptions of the demons by RIchard Smoley

This is what Journalstone says about it:

The highly anticipated follow-up to BookList’s Top Ten Best Horror of 2016 selection, The Gods of H.P. Lovecraft.

The Demons of King Solomon is the innovative sequel to JournalStone Publishing’s bestselling anthology The Gods of H.P. Lovecraft. This anthology explores the legendary demonic bestiary of King Solomon by bringing together popular authors in horror, occultism, and dark fantasy, including many NY Times bestsellers, as well as featuring original artwork by John Coulthart and descriptions of the demons by Richard Smoley.

The mythology of King Solomon and his Solomonic magic played a key role in the history of magic and occultism and influenced countless hautning and fantastical tales. The traditions of goEtia and grimoire owe their uniqueness to the legendary accounts of different classes, abilities, and categories of demons. Asmodeus, Belial, Abyzou, and Marchosias–these cryptic, evocative names continue to fascinate and terrify those who dare utter them.

I’m very excited to be part of this book, and thank Aaron J. French and Journalstone for including me.

Release Day for Hieroglyphs of Blood and Bone

I don’t have too much to add to yesterday’s post, which included all the links to preorder HIEROGLYPHS OF BLOOD AND BONE from Amazon or from Journalstone, or even to check it out on

But today is release day, so the links in yesterday’s post no longer allow you merely to preorder the book, but to actually order it for real! In fact, if you buy the Kindle version, you should be able to download it immediately.



My thanks to Journalstone, in particular Publisher Christopher Payne and Editor John Palisano, for making this happen!

Hieroglyphs of Blood and Bone Paperback on Amazon

The Hieroglyphs of Blood and Bone paperback, coming this week from Journalstone, is now available for preorder from Amazon.


In case you missed the earlier announcement, the Kindle version is already available for preorder as well, for just $3.95.

You can also order direct from the publisher and receive both the paperback and the ebook together.

Oh, and since this has become a list of every book-related link ever, here’s the book’s page on Goodreads:

The time is almost here!

Choosing a Cover for Hieroglyphs of Blood and Bone

Journalstone has done something interesting for the design of my upcoming novel, Hieroglyphs of Blood and Bone, and set up a contest. Designers submitted almost 200 variations, from which a few of us chose a top 6. Now it’s time to reveal the finalists, and everyone can cast their vote to rate the finalists. There will only be one winner!

I hope people will not only vote, but also share, so we can get lots of opinions on this.

Also, I still haven’t seen Journalstone formally announce the new imprint under which my novel will appear, but if you look at a few of the designs you’ll see the secret, new logo and name. It must not be too big a secret, since the publisher wanted me to spread this around.

Debut Novel Coming from Journalstone

Contracts have been signed, so I can now announce that my debut novel Hieroglyphs of Blood and Bone will be coming from Journalstone in February, 2017. More specifically, it will be the first book released on a new Journalstone imprint, about which details should become available soon.


Hieroglyphs of Blood and Bone is the story of Guy, a suddenly divorced man who ends up renting a room in the houseboat of his much younger co-worker. Guy tries to emulate Karl’s straightforward, confident mode of existence, but feels awkward going out to bars, trying to meet single women, after being married most of his life. Only when Karl takes him out fishing on an isolated stretch of the Salmon River does Guy catch a glimpse of something inexplicable and captivating enough to seize his full attention and distract him from the ruin of his own life.

I’m very pleased to join the same publisher as Laird Barron, Gary Braunbeck, Philip Fracassi, Jonathan Maberry, Christopher Golden, Douglas Wynne and many others.

Though the contract only covers one book, our understanding is that we would like to work together on several books. I’ve been especially impressed with what Journalstone has done with Laird Barron’s recent novellas, X’s for Eyes and Man With No Name, not to mention his latest collection. Because I love the novella form so much, I’d love to find a way to do two or three linked novellas. We’ll see!

Of course I’ll share more specifics, including cover art, when it’s available. For now I’d like to thank Publisher Christopher Payne, and the Imprint Editor whose name must remain secret until Journalstone makes that announcement!