Online Lovecraftian Horror Panel

This coming Tuesday, August 18 at 7PM Pacific time, I’ll be participating in an online panel on Lovecraftian Horror sponsored by Hillsboro Public Library, and organized by Mary Kelly.

The panel moderator is Gwen Callahan, known to many of you as the co-director of the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival, and my fellow panelists include Wendy Wagner, Cody Goodfellow and Christine Morgan.

You can register free of charge at the following link:

Here’s the flier with a bit more information:

In this time without literary and film conventions, it will be nice to chat with my fellow Portland horror writers, and answer questions from readers, writers and anyone else interested in taking part. Obviously because this is online, there’s no reason this should be restricted to people in the Portland metro area, so I hope we’ll see some of our non-local friends at the event!

My H.P. Lovecraft Film Fest 2017 Schedule

Tomorrow our guests arrive for the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival, and Friday the events get underway!

The full schedule is available in PDF format HERE.

Here’s my portion of the schedule, including “note to self” times for when the doors open each day, dinner breaks, and events I’m part of, as well as the screening of They Remain I want to see on Sunday. I’ll have to miss the Saturday world premiere of They Remain in the big theater downstairs because it conflicts with my reading, but as long as I get to catch it the next night, I’m happy.

6PM doors open
8:30-9:30PM “Panel 2: Women in Lovecraftian Fiction, Martin, O’Keefe, R-Smith, Griffin, Lockhart”

12:15 doors open
4-5PM “Panel 4: Evolution of Weird Fiction: Shirley, Carson, Wilson, Griffin, Burk”
5-6:30PM dinner break
8:30-9:30PM “Reading 2, Fuller, Griffin, Hoade”

12:15 doors open
5-6:30PM dinner break
7:20-9:30 They Remain

This event is always really enjoyable, and a great opportunity to see friends and interact with weirdos. We have four people from out of town staying at our house, so it should be a fun four-night slumber party as well!

H.P. Lovecraft Film Fest Next Weekend

After a couple of trips to the East Coast for conventions earlier this summer, I’m very much looking forward to a convention here in Portland. Next Thursday-Sunday, the 2017 H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival will be happening at the Hollywood Theater. I’m not sure if this is my sixth or seventh time attending this con, but it’s certainly a sentimental favorite.

I’ll be a guest again this year and should have information soon on programming such readings or panels. The organizers have just posted an updated film schedule:

I’m especially looking forward to the world premiere of They Remain, Philip Gelatt’s take on Laird Barron’s story “–30–,” but there’s all kinds of other great stuff being shown as well.

If you’re going to attend, I look forward to seeing you. If not, I’ll probably be posting a lot of pictures on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Portland 2016 H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival Schedule

I can hardly believe the 2016 Portland HP Lovecraft Film Fest begins this evening! Actually, regular events don’t start until tomorrow, but tonight is the VIP Party at Lan Su Chinese Garden, for Guests and people who pledged the Kickstarter at the VIP level.


Here’s the link to the schedule:


I’m doing the “Weird Tales: Beyond H.P. Lovecraft” panel Saturday at 10PM with Ross Lockhart (moderator),, Anya Martin, Ed Morris and Wendy Wagner. Scott Nicolay is also on the schedule but I understand he had to cancel at won’t be at HPLFF this year.


I’m also part of Reading 3: Goodfellow, Griffin, Rawlik – Sunday at 3PM

Last I heard, Peter Rawlik was going to have to miss the festival as well, because of the hurricane approaching Florida, where he lives. If so, either Cody and I will both read extra long, or we’ll see if the organizers add a new 3rd reader.


I’m also taking part in the group signing Saturday at 10AM, and will be glad to sign books. I assume Ross E. Lockhart will have copies of The Lure of Devouring Light for sale, along with Eternal Frankenstein which will make its debut at HPLFF, and the rest of the excellent Word Horde catalog.

(here’s the 2013 HPLFF installment, dinner at Columbia River Brewing)

This is always one of my favorite events of the year, another installment of the first convention I ever attended, the first convention at which I was a guest, or did an author reading. This will be a little unusual, in that Lena and I usually try to host a few con guests at our home, but because we’re putting the house up on the market, the place is empty and ready to sell, so we won’t have any of the usual weirdos traveling with us.

If you’re there, I look forward to seeing you again, or meeting you for the first time. Don’t hesitate to say hello, especially if we’re online friends but I might not recognize you in person! For those of you who won’t be in attendance, I’ll try to post lots of pictures and give updates of all the events, as much as possible.

Kickstarter Ending for H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival Portland 2016

The Kickstarter for this year’s Portland H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival ends tonight, so now’s your chance. I’ll be a guest at the festival again, and taking part in the VIP Party at Lan Su Chinese Gardens, and the Shanghai Tunnels tour. I’m also one of the contributors to the Challenge From Beyond 2016 book, which includes a round robin story as well as another story by Peter Rawlik.

This is the cover of the book, illustrated by Shelby Denham.


And here are the event details:

The 21st Annual H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival® will feature independent short and feature films, plus featured guests Stuart Gordon (director of Re-Animator and From Beyond), author John Shirley, and many more!
Deluxe and VIP Ticket packages available now in our Kickstarter at Regular tickets will go on sale around September 10th.

Thursday, Oct 6 8-11pm VIP Party
Friday, Oct 7 4-6pm Guest Meet and Greet
Friday, Oct 7 6-11pm Films and other programming
Saturday, Oct 8 Noon-11pm Films and other programming
Sunday, Oct 9 Noon-11pm Films and other programming

The Lovecraft Film Fest is a lot of fun every year, so if you’ve never attended before and you’re considering it for the first time, I really think you should. Even if you’re not the world’s biggest Lovecraft fan, and care more about horror or weird fiction in general, you’ll find a lot to enjoy here. Films, panels, readings and more. Hope to see you there!

Portland’s H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival Kickstarter

One of my favorite events every year is the Portland H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival, the next installment of which happens October 7-9, 2016. This year I also visited the San Pedro, California version for the occasion of my book release, and they’re also doing a Providence, Rhode Island version which just happened this past weekend. The Portland event is the biggest of the three, and the original.

While I was busy with other things this weekend, I neglected to post about the new Kickstarter for the Portland HPLFF. It looks like it won’t have a lot of trouble meeting its goal… in fact, literally as I type this sentence, it just watched it click over the $15k mark in another browser window. Congratulations, Gwen and Brian Callahan – funded!

Now, just because they’ve reached their goal doesn’t mean you won’t want to pledge. This is the best way to get your package of tickets, t-shirts, art and other goodies related to the event. I’ll be a guest again this year, and for the first time I’m participating in a fiction round robin, a collaborative story written along with John Shirley, S.P. Miskowski, Nikki Guerlain, Andrew S. Fuller, Wendy Wagner and Aaron Besson. If you want to read that story in the souvenir book, it’s a $10 add-on to any other pledge level.

Even if you won’t be able to attend, you can support the event and get some cool stuff. There are several packages available for non-attendees, allowing you to obtain various souvenirs just as if you were going to attend.

I assume there will be some cool stretch goals, as there have been in the past. Who knows what kind of interesting special guests might be on the horizon?

Images From San Pedro HPLFF 2016

I was about to summarize my recent ReaderCon experience when I realized I have a folder of photos I meant to share, along with a summary of the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival in San Pedro, California. It’s been over for about 2 1/2 months and I forgot to post, until now!

Many of these photos are borrowed, so I’ll give credit to the photographer where I can. If I’m sharing your photo and you’d prefer I take it down, please just let me know.

Cody Goodfellow was one of the primary organizers of the convention and was good enough to pick me up at the airport and drop me off at the end of the weekend. When I arrived at Cody’s house, I had to obtain a live photo to convince certain parties overseas who wanted reassurance that Joe Pulver had survived the trip intact. Here is “proof of life.”


At the convention’s opening ceremony, Cody acted as emcee. Cody is one cool cat.


Here I am behind the Word Horde table. My book’s official release date happened to fall on the weekend of the convention, which made it easy for me to decide to head down to LA for the long weekend. I believe Ross Lockhart took this photo.


Here I am outside the Warner Grand theater, the primary venue for the convention, in old downtown San Pedro. Photo is by Nick Gucker.


Speaking of Nick Gucker, another book released at the convention was S.P. Miskowski’s excellent Stag in Flight, published by Dim Shores and illustrated by Nick. Dim Shores and Word Horde shared a dealer table so I was able to spend lots of time with Ross Lockhart, Sam Cowan, Nick Gucker and S.P. Miskowski.




This was my first time meeting S.P. in person (along with her husband Cory), a real highlight for me. Here we are clowning for a selfie.


I also picked up my copy of Michael Cisco’s The Knife Dance, another Dim Shores release. The hardcover is super beautiful! As I write this, they’re pretty nearly sold out, but you can still get the trade paperback. The Dim Shores store is HERE


Something I’ve experience at almost every convention I’ve attended is that there always seems to be one restaurant to which everyone returns at least once a day. Here’s a crowd gathered outside Happy Diner, where I ate breakfast four days in a row.

The photo by Mike Davis shows (L-R) Nick Gucker, Sam Cowan, Ross Lockhart, Kelly Young, me and Leeman Kessler. Excellent gentlemen, all but one.


This is the kind of thing I ate every day, severed with a generous jar of fresh-made salsa.


After this many of us were interviewed one at a time by Leeman, then we ended up at Sacred Grounds, a pretty cool coffee shop next door to the theater. This time Mike Davis included himself in the photo, and you can also see Leeman, me and Kelly Young. It’s got to be very, very early because Kelly and I have soft drinks.


Soon after this, we migrated down to the “Annex,” a little theater down the block where author readings and panels took place Saturday. Here’s yet another Mike Davis photo of several of us preparing to read, namely (L-R) Cory Herndon, S.P. Miskowski, Joe Pulver and me.


Matt Carpenter very kindly brought a bottle of one of our favorite libations, which lubricated many of the readings, and later panel discussions. Several of us read, all in a row. Here’s S.P. reading from Stag in Flight.


Here is the great Pulver reading!


After the reading, I posed with the sole existing “proof” copy of Autumn Cthulhu. Everyone was trying to get a look at this book, which was set to be released a week after this event.


The Cosmic Horror panel was a lot of fun, featuring Mike Davis, Leslie Klinger, S.P. Miskowski, Cody Goodfellow, me, Joe Pulver, Kat Rocha and Ross Lockhart.


Pulver at the Skinner mural in downtown San Pedro.


Leeman Kessler in the lobby of the Warner Grand…


… and later gazing into Lovecraft’s eyes.


One of the best fun parts of every convention is the night everyone stays up way too late, talking and laughing and drinking and who knows what else. I’m pretty sure the next 3 photos are by Sam Cowan. Here we have John Skipp, Ross Lockhart, me and Pulver out on the patio outside the hotel very, very late at night.


Nick Nacario, Nick Gucker and Leeman Kessler.


And me, Joe Pulver and Kelly Young.


Ross on the left, Sam on the right. The final day’s events were off-site, in this big warehouse down by the water. Everyone was exhausted, as is usually the case by the end of a long convention weekend.


Being driven back to the airport by Cody Goodfellow was an experience I will never forget. The important thing to understand is that this is a convertible and we’re driving something like 95 miles per hour. The wind knocked me around so much, I think I lost consciousness.


I had a great time, signed many books, met a lot of cool people and spent time with great friends. Convention success!

An October Festival and Book Release

I’ve just been confirmed as a guest for the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival and CthulhuCon coming up October 7-9 here in Portland. The Facebook event page is here, and I’m sure there will be a Kickstarter before long.


This is always one of my favorite events of the year, not only because it’s local. The HPLFF always manages to be one of the biggest and best gatherings of cool and interesting writers, editors, publishers, artists, filmmakers and enthusiasts of Cosmic Horror and the Weird. The event is not just Lovecraft-related, so if you’ve ever thought “Sounds fun, but I’m not super-Lovecrafty, myself,” you’d probably enjoy attending for the readings, panels, films and especially the people. At least a partial guest list should be available soon.


Also happening at this event will be the release of the next Word Horde anthology, Eternal Frankenstein. My own novelette “The Human Alchemy” will appear alongside works by a really interesting selection of writers, many of whom will be at the convention and ready to sign your books! I imagine there will be some kind of reading event associated with the book release, and/or possibly a group signing.

You can preorder Eternal Frankenstein now from Word Horde and later this summer from the usual outlets. Here’s what’s inside:

Table of Contents
Amber-Rose Reed – Torso Heart Head
Siobhan Carroll – Thermidor
Autumn Christian – Sewn Into Her Fingers
Rios de la Luz – Orchids by the Sea
Edward Morris – Frankenstein Triptych
Michael Griffin – The Human Alchemy
Betty Rocksteady – Postpartum
Scott R. Jones – Living
Tiffany Scandal – They Call Me Monster
Damien Angelica Walters – Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice
Orrin Grey – Baron von Werewolf Presents: Frankenstein Against the Phantom Planet
Nathan Carson – Wither on the Vine, or Strickfadden’s Monster
Anya Martin – The Un-Bride, or No Gods and Marxists
G. D. Falksen – The New Soviet Man
Kristi DeMeester – The Beautiful Thing We Will Become
David Templeton – Mary Shelley’s Body