If You Want to Read My Work

I’ve made a lot of new friends and come into contact with lots of new people lately, both in the real world and social media. NecronomiCon Providence (see last several blog posts) is probably the main reason, and the “friend of a friend” networking effect, following on from that event.

If you’re interested in getting more familiar with my work, I have some suggestions.

My story “Diamond Dust” appeared in the wonderful Thomas Ligotti tribute anthology, The Grimscribe’s Puppets, edited by Joseph S. Pulver Sr. and published by Miskatonic River Press. You can find that book in several formats HERE.

“Arches and Pillars” was published in the latest issue of Black Static, a very fine magazine of horror fiction published in the UK. You can subscribe or purchase individual copies directly from the publisher TTA Press, or you can quickly grab the Kindle version HERE.

You can also find my story “The Lure of Devouring Light” free to read online at Apex Magazine. I’m in Issue 47, April 2013.

Another of my stories that’s free to read online is “Nectar of Strange Lips,” published in Lovecraft eZine Issue 23, April 2013.

I’ve published other stories around, but these are the ones that seem to have received the most attention. Here are some cool book and magazine covers to entice you.





Weekend Update: Check Out “The Lure of Devouring Light”

Last Tuesday, the new April issue of Apex Magazine appeared, featuring my story “The Lure of Devouring Light.” I’ve already received some nice feedback, from friends, family, fellow writers, and even a NY literary agent. In case you missed my previous post about this, here’s a reminder, and a link to read the story for free, or purchase a PDF or a (Kindle) MOBI or (iPad/Nook) EPUB file of the entire issue for $2.99.


Thanks again to the great and talented people at Apex.

My Story “The Lure of Devouring Light” in Apex Mag

My story “The Lure of Devouring Light” is now available in the April 2013 issue of Apex Magazine. I’m very proud and excited to have a story of mine appearing in such an excellent and prominent periodical.

I’ll have more to say about this magazine and this story, but for now, here’s a link. It’s available to read for free, and you can also purchase a PDF or a (Kindle) MOBI or (iPad/Nook) EPUB file.



My thanks to Editor Lynne Thomas and Publisher Jason Sizemore for featuring my work!

“The Lure of Devouring Light” Upcoming in Apex Magazine

Maybe you’re sick of seeing another entry in this blog announcing a new story acceptance. Let me tell you, though… after such a long dry spell, the flurry of story acceptances this past two months has been most welcome. I don’t imagine I’ll ever get tired of reading editorial messages that say “I like your work and want to publish it!”

This morning, the latest good news arrived from Apex Magazine. Editor Lynne Thomas accepted my story “The Lure of Devouring Light,” which should appear in 2013. Here’s the cover of their latest issue, released today.

All the acceptances so far have been special and important in their different ways. Sometimes it’s a matter of the acceptance coming at the right time, or being from a publication you believe in, or the story might be a perfect fit for a themed anthology. The significance of this one will be obvious to anyone who follows the Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror genres.

Those of you who aren’t SF/F/H geeks might be wondering why I’m so excited. Apex Magazine is a very prominent, professional level monthly publication. It’s a nominee for this year’s Hugo award for “Best Semiprozine.” My upcoming appearance there will be highly visible. Given the quality of talent usually published in Apex, I’m likely to be rubbing elbows with established authors. Different writers have their own priorities for where they’d like to appear, but I think it’s safe to say that most writers of interesting speculative/fantastic fiction would rank Apex among the handful of most prestigious places to land their work.

I’ll offer more information as publication day approaches.