The Horror Bundle from Word Horde

I’m excited to be part of a really cool e-book bundle through StoryBundle, which features a bunch of e-books from Word Horde.

It’s a bundle of 5 books that can be purchased for whatever the buyer thinks it’s worth, and if the payment is $15 or greater, you get 10 bonus books, including my story collection The Human Alchemy. You can optionally donate 10% of your purchase price to Planned Parenthood at the time of purchase — not paying 10% extra, but just saying “yes, please give 10% of what I paid to charity.”

Aside from the fact that I’ve had two books published by Word Horde, I really believe every book they’ve done has been worth owning — in fact, I’ve already purchased them all! If you own some of these already, it’s still a great way to pick up a lot of what Word Horde has released for a great price, and put some money in the pockets of some great authors, an amazing press, and if you’re so inclined, a worthy institution in Planned Parenthood.

Even if you already own every one of these books, as I do, you can purchase the bundle as a gift for another reader you suspect might enjoy them.

There’s a lot more information about the bundle and all the individual books and authors here:

My sincere thanks to Molly Tanzer for curating the bundle (Molly’s super-enjoyable novel Vermilion is part of the 15 book package as well), and to Word Horde for putting out so many great books.

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