Lovecraft eZine Tribute to Joe Pulver

Today I’ll be participating in a group tribute to my friend, the late writer and editor Joe Pulver, on the Lovecraft eZine chat. You can find the chat’s livestream HERE at 3PM Pacific, 6PM Eastern time. That’s about an hour from now, as I post this.

It’s been a year since we lost Joe, and I miss him just as much today as I did a year ago. I suppose the shock of his passing has faded a little, but not the sense of having lost a great friend. Several of us who knew him will be discussing our friend Joe, known more widely as the writer and editor Joseph S. Pulver Sr.

Jason’s Weird Reads – Top 2020 Books Read

Jason White reviewed Armageddon House on his Jason’s Weird Reads channel on YouTube back in June. You can jump to that review here:

This week, Jason did a year-end summary in which he listed his 10 favorite books of 2020 — which includes not only books published this year, but earlier books he just got around to reading.

It’s wonderful to see Jason listed Armageddon House among his favorites. It’s a ranked list, so you’ll have to watch to see where he placed my book in his top 10 of the year. There are also 5 honorable mentions, so there are really 15 books listed.

I really appreciate Jason’s kind words about my book, and aside from this year-end summary, I suggest people check out the other programming on his YouTube channel.

The Horror Bundle from Word Horde

I’m excited to be part of a really cool e-book bundle through StoryBundle, which features a bunch of e-books from Word Horde.

It’s a bundle of 5 books that can be purchased for whatever the buyer thinks it’s worth, and if the payment is $15 or greater, you get 10 bonus books, including my story collection The Human Alchemy. You can optionally donate 10% of your purchase price to Planned Parenthood at the time of purchase — not paying 10% extra, but just saying “yes, please give 10% of what I paid to charity.”

Aside from the fact that I’ve had two books published by Word Horde, I really believe every book they’ve done has been worth owning — in fact, I’ve already purchased them all! If you own some of these already, it’s still a great way to pick up a lot of what Word Horde has released for a great price, and put some money in the pockets of some great authors, an amazing press, and if you’re so inclined, a worthy institution in Planned Parenthood.

Even if you already own every one of these books, as I do, you can purchase the bundle as a gift for another reader you suspect might enjoy them.

There’s a lot more information about the bundle and all the individual books and authors here:

My sincere thanks to Molly Tanzer for curating the bundle (Molly’s super-enjoyable novel Vermilion is part of the 15 book package as well), and to Word Horde for putting out so many great books.

Hillsboro Library Event Now on YouTube

Tuesday evening’s Hillsboro Public Library event went quite well, and was a lot of fun. Of course, these “live” events, even online, can be hard to coordinate with one’s schedule, so if you wanted to watch it and missed out, you’ll be pleased to know it’s been uploaded to YouTube.

Here’s the address, in case the embed feature below doesn’t work in your browser:

Non-Amazon Armageddon House Ebooks

Armageddon House has been available on Kindle ebook format from Amazon since day one, but we now have it available in other ebook formats and from other sellers at the same low price, currently $3.

It’s available now direct from Undertow Publications (MOBI or EPUB):

It’s available now from Smashwords (many formats):

Smashwords also acts as an aggregator, gradually spreading the ebook out to other resellers such as Apple, Kobo, Overdrive and more, so it will soon be available pretty much everywhere ebooks are sold.

Armageddon House Review on HorrorBound

Armageddon House just received a great review by Joe Scipione on HorrorBound.

I don’t want to excerpt too much, but here’s a little something Joe had to say about it:

“One of the top novellas of the year!”

To check out the rest, follow the link:

My thanks to reviewer Joe Scipione and the rest of the team over at!

Online Lovecraftian Horror Panel

This coming Tuesday, August 18 at 7PM Pacific time, I’ll be participating in an online panel on Lovecraftian Horror sponsored by Hillsboro Public Library, and organized by Mary Kelly.

The panel moderator is Gwen Callahan, known to many of you as the co-director of the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival, and my fellow panelists include Wendy Wagner, Cody Goodfellow and Christine Morgan.

You can register free of charge at the following link:

Here’s the flier with a bit more information:

In this time without literary and film conventions, it will be nice to chat with my fellow Portland horror writers, and answer questions from readers, writers and anyone else interested in taking part. Obviously because this is online, there’s no reason this should be restricted to people in the Portland metro area, so I hope we’ll see some of our non-local friends at the event!

A YouTube Review by Well-Read Beard

Well-Read Beard is another reviewer who does YouTube reviews, similar to Jason White who also reviewed Armageddon House not long ago.

If you’d asked me a year ago, do I want to read book reviews or watch them on YouTube, I would’ve said I’d rather read them. Having said that, I now find that I enjoy watching and listening to a reviewer show and talk about a book in their own voice. I’m sold on this format for a review, and not just because Well-Read Beard and Jason White both said nice things about the book!

Because it’s a video review, you should probably just watch it rather than reading me talking about it. My thanks to Well-Read Beard!

Oh, and if you prefer to read reviews rather than watch them on YouTube, you can find what Well-Read Beard said on Goodreads here:

Armageddon House Review on Jason’s Weird Reads

Jason White just reviewed Armageddon House on his YouTube book reviews channel, Jason’s Weird Reads.

I don’t want to spoil the review by quoting too much of it here, but I’ll just say that Jason used the phrase, “Bloody brilliant.”

Here’s a link, and I’ll embed the video below that.

If you enjoy this kind of writing, you might subscribe to Jason’s Weird Reads, or at least check out some of the other videos. My thanks to Jason for the great review!